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Mercoledì, 15 Maggio 2024
Dear Chico, how are you?
We are 13 Italian students from the liceo Bertrand Russell in Cles, Val di Non (TN).
We are doing a project about environmental sustainability in our English class. Our teachers told us your story and we want to support you by planting trees in the forests destroyed by the storm Vaia in 2018, and dedicate this symbolic act to you. The project consists of planting 15 trees through a donation from all of us to the Trentino tree agreement.
We will become tree ambassadors and dedicate the donation and plaque to you.
During these past years people have worked hard to plant new trees and like trees regrow after being destroyed by a storm, your life will too. This is our hope for you!
                                   FORZA CHICO!
Alessia, Alexandra, Ilary, Marta, Gloria, Romina, Ylenia, Viktor; Marika, Sharon, Ingrid, Phoebe and Vanessa.

Classe 2LB